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  • Green Team

Mark your Calendars ! ! !

March 1st, 2019 at 3 p.m We would like to invite our supporters and volunteers to join us for a very special Proclamation signing. This will take place on at the city building on Cherry St on the 3rd floor. We would be grateful to have you join us.

Then on March 2nd @ 3:30 pm , We invite you to join us to Celebrate Katie,

March 2, 2018 Katie heard the worlds "you have Hodgkin's Lymphoma" We want to celebrate Katie but also want to celebrate all of you for supporting her through it all. The journey this past year has been an emotional roller-coaster,One year later we are getting to celebrate. Katie still has a journey ahead of her but hey it's one step at a time. We are asking that you would join us in this celebration. Gifts are not required. We will however be expecting donations that we can use in the Katie's Cure Comfort kits that we give out once a month to help patients that are now undergoing cancer treatments.

Here is a list of those items !

*** Please note We can only except NEW ITEMS!*

*Blanket/Throw Umbrellas Hat ( these can be homemade) Reusable water bottle (must seal) *Lip balm *moisturizing clap stick * Hand sanitizer travel size only *Digital Thermometer (Dollar tree) *Face Masks (Dollar Tree) *Kleenex pocket pack (Dollar Tree) Band-aides (latex free) Hand lotion Travel size SUGAR FREE HARD CANDY Crossword/puzzle books Deck of playing card *small notebook/ journal (Dollar Tree) *Pen ( great way to advertise your business ) **LETTERS OR CARDS of encouragement $10. gift card to restaurant $10. gas card $10 grocery card These gift card really help the clients more than you will even know !

Refreshments will be available !

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